Friday, December 14, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Hey everyone!

<----- Our 1st Christmas Tree!!!

Well, I can't believe that it's already December 14th! Time is flying by. It feels like this year has just passed me by and I can't believe it's already almost 2008! It has been SO cold lately...okay in the 50's...but so cold for us Arizonians who are used to 120! The nights have been in the 30's too! We pulled out our winter clothes and have really enjoyed bundling up and it actually feeling like Christmas! All we need is some snow... :)

Things have been really busy for us lately. Ryan had his College group Christmas program last week and it was absolutely amazing. He has been working on it since this summer and over the past month we hardly saw each other because he was so busy with practices and arranging the music. He put the entire night together, arranged all the music, and performed with about 20 other people in front of a thousand people! Hopefully we will get pictures back from the photographer that night soon so I can share them! Now that that is over, Ryan has a much deserved break from Camber until January. He's been able to spend a lot more time at home, catching up with friends, and working on his own music. Last night I had the Christmas program for the preschool (which was ADORABLE) and am now enjoying my break until January 7th when school starts up again. It is a MUCH needed break and after a really difficult first half of the year, I almost decided not to come back in January. But, after much prayer and consideration, I've decided to finish out the year (school is out the 1st week of May) and then find another place to work after that. I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks of finishing up Christmas shopping, baking, scrapbooking, and just getting to sleep in! I have been sick since October with everything that's gone around, so the sleep and rest will hopefully cure that quickly. Ryan and I are really looking forward to spending much more time together, being intentional about going out on dates, and spending our first Christmas together! Although it's bittersweet (our 1st Christmas without family), we are excited about starting some traditions of our own and continuing to establish ourselves as a family now. It's crazy, but wonderful! :)

This month finds us daily pondering the question, "what do we want to do with our lives?" Because of circumstances at the preschool, and some changes and dear friends leaving Ryan's work, we are trying to decide whether or not we want to stay in Arizona. When I first moved out here I was ready to move home or back to Seattle at the drop of a hat. Now, we are connected with an incredible small group, are getting really close to some people, love that we can afford our own house, and are enjoying the challenge of living on our own. The "cons" of living out here are diminishing. But we also know that once kids come into the picture (not for a few years, people, don't start asking! :) ) we want to be just a few minutes away from family. We want our kids to grow up around their aunts & uncles & grandparents, and we wouldn't mind the free babysitting :) We are at this stage where we have to decide whether or not we want to stay out here for a while longer, or just move back home. They both and pros & cons, so we're trying to decide which place we are supposed to be at. We would greatly appreciate your prayers and we try to figure out where the Lord will lead us!

I've talked to a lot of you about the potential new job at Automatik and the crazy interview process that I've been going through. There's been some updates to this story. Since Ryan and I aren't sure where we will be, I called the owner of the company (who is a friend of ours and an elder at our church) and we had dinner with him a few nights ago. We told him that we just aren't sure where we will be even in 2008 and that I just wasn't sure they would want to hire me. The position at that company requires a year of training before someone is really bringing in money based on their work. Since we aren't sure if we will even be here in a year, I didn't want to have them train me then have to go through the year and a half process of finding someone else. He basically left it up to me and said pray about it and get back to him. Part of me was just looking for him to say, no thanks, so that the decision was made, yet I'm still waivering in what I want to do. Part of me still is excited about working for them and would love the opportunity, yet the other part doesn't want to invest in a company if I'm only going to be there for a few months. So prayer on this would be great too... :)

We are starting to look at 2008 and what we want to do. We are going to Mexico for the weekend sometime in the Spring (we have a free trip!) and we are also talking about going to NY. Ryan has never been there and it would be so much fun to tour the town together, see some plays, eat fabulous food, the whole bit. We want to be really intentional about taking trips together and putting all other things in life aside. It's not always easy, but we've already done it a few times in the short 6 months that we've been married, and it brings us so much closer together and allows us to appreciate each other and our marriage. So fun! :)

2008 also brings many February some friends of ours out here are getting married, and have asked me to be their wedding coordinator! I'm SO excited. I may have mentioned in an earlier post that I would love to do that as a career, so it will give me a chance to really test the waters to see if it's really something I'd like to do. Two of my best friends are getting married in May: Aubree (I'm a bridesmaid!) & Laura. Laura came to visit last month and we went dress shopping and spend all weekend talking weddings. It was WAY too much fun :) Nicole, Britt's older sister is getting married in the Spring, and there may be something in her future as well :) Luke, Ryan's college roommate is getting married in June too! Christmas is definitely a time for proposals, so we'll see who else's wedding we will be going to! :) It's so fun to see all our friends getting married, but so crazy that we already have 5 weddings to go to!

I think that's it for now. I'm setting a reminder on my computer to write on here more often because I always forget about it :) Remember that Christmas is not about finding the perfect gift and isn't worth all the stress. It's about Jesus, and God's promise since the beginning that He would bring a Savior to His people. Praise God for the miracle of baby Jesus!!!

Much love to you all!!!