Saturday, April 5, 2008


April is here and I cannot believe how quickly this year is already flying by. It feels like it was just Christmas! It's weird how a day can drag on at work, but then the weeks still go by so quickly. Any way, I'm just amazed at how time flies!
Life is good. :) We are still doing the same ol same ol as the last post; working, church, guitar lessons, small group, etc. Yet with each day that we are here the more this feels like home. We are so content with where our lives are at, even though there is still the lingering "what the heck are we going to do with the rest of our lives" question. But we are learning to live in the moment and just live each moment out here to the fullest. Work has been pretty slow for me over the past few weeks which has made for some ridiculously long days. But things are picking up and we are launching our new training with Honda in a few weeks. 1/2 of our staff has been traveling over the past few weeks to give proposals to other companies, so we could get extremely busy if we pick up another company. This next week we have a three day intensive training event and I have been warned that I might get 8 hours of sleep in 3 days. I'm praying that I don't get sick from the intense training and lack of sleep. Besides a little stomach bug earlier this week I haven't been sick in weeks, which is amazing since I was sick for like 5 months straight. I'm excited though-it's been a while since I've had to write and give speeches and strangely I miss it. I'll let you know how it goes! :)
Ryan & I have been doing really awesome lately. Even though it's so true that the first year of marriage can be hard, I feel like we have gotten over the hump and are more and more becoming one. We have learned SO much about each other in the last 10 months of marriage (insane that it's been that long already, i know) and every day is a new adventure. We have had some really awesome talks lately and more and more desire to just be together. We spent one day apart when we were in cali and before we went to bed that night, Ry said that he really missed me that day. So sweet. I feel like we are getting closer to understanding how to love and respect each other. Ah, married life is so good :)
Aubree's wedding is coming up in 5 weeks and I am SO excited to see my girls. I haven't seen Aubs & Kels since last June! It's been a crazy ride trying to maintain closeness in those relationships since I used to see them every day. We now schedule coffee dates over the phone :) It's interesting to see where everyone is ending up. At least we are all still on the west coast! I think it will be such a great recharging weekend to see them and to support Aubree as she becomes a wife! So exciting!
Our friends Casey & Katelyn just had their baby, Hudson, on Monday. It was really crazy to see someone my age with a baby, but then I remember, wait, we ARE the old married people that have babies! He's just beautiful. Our other friends Jason & Jessica are having a baby in the fall so it's going to be fun giving her showers and watching that belly grow :) It seems like all of our married friends, save 2 couples are pregnant or just had a baby. Yet surprisingly I've been good with it all and still just enjoy playing with their babies and then giving them back :) We've had the baby talk a few times and know that once we have them we want like 3 or 4, but for now we're just enjoying it being just us. We want to wait to see what's happening with the moving timeline and we want to be settled before a little one comes. Cause let's be honest, I can't remodel our new house as I'm 7 months pregnant! :) So to all who keep asking when the Axtell baby is coming, you're going to have to wait a while :)
Well, I'm starving so I'm going to grab some breakfast. Ryan is judging worship band try outs all day so I have the house to myself :) I'm probably going to do some gardening then work on my tan by the pool. Weekends are the life :)
Blessings to you all! And much love!