Monday, September 15, 2008

week 2 of unemployment

Well, it's now the beginning of my second week of unemployment and I have to say that I love it :) I decided that I just need to find someone who will pay me to just be unemployed and do whatever it is I feel like doing each day. Too bad the world doesn't work like that :) I have a job opportunity available, but I'm just praying through if it's the route I should take or not. I don't want to jump into anything too soon just because it sounds good; rather, I want to wait it out just a bit longer to see what it is that God wants me to do. In the mean time, I am having so much fun just playing housewife. My house has been so clean, the laundry is always done, dinner is ready when Ryan gets home and I have had fun finding creative projects to do. I am finally going to get started on my baby line this week and hopefully start making some money with that. I have also been able to spend some one on one time catching up with friends and family. It's been great. But I would still love the prayers for what my next step should be!
This past weekend we went up to Sedona for some friends' wedding. It was SO gorgeous up there and so nice to get out of the heat! It was super fun to just get away with our friends and grow closer with them. We really have been so blessed with good friends in every state that we've lived. Even though it's fun to get out and travel on the weekends, we're looking forward to spending the next few weekends at home. And in just 2 weeks it will be my birthday and my mom will be here!
Laundry calls...write again soon :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

This thing we call life...

Well, I know it's been FOREVER since I've blogged but life has been, well, just insane.
Last weekend Ryan and I got a chance to take a much needed vacation and just regroup together up at the Grand Canyon. It was really amazing. It's been the first vacation with just the two of us since our honeymoon, so it was long overdue.
Up until now work has pretty much consumed my life...but after a tearful and shocked Friday morning, I found myself carrying my box of personal items from the office: I was fired. It was quite honestly the weirdest moment of my life. One moment I thought I was walking into my boss' office to receive the days' tasks, but I was just told that I was not good enough, not what they wanted, not performing. I have never been fired before, so I'm learning to work through the emotions of that. Another colleage and friend from our Ohio branch was also fired. I touched base with him a bit this morning to see if he knew anything more, but to both of us it just felt like God was pulling us out of a situation in which he no longer needed us in. It feels odd, but I am okay. I am clinging to the truth that "All things work together for good, to them that love the Lord." I am going to make the most of this transition time and really get into the Word more, spend time everyday reflecting, journaling, working out, gardening, etc etc etc. There are a lot of things that I love doing that I haven't been able to do while I was at automatik. It will be good for me to have some time to really see where I want to go next. I know this time around I am going to guard my time better so that I have more time with God and more time to be creative. We shall see!
More and more weddings are around the corner for us...some friends are getting married in Sedona next weekend, Brittany is getting married in 6 weeks and my recently engaged sister in law is getting married January 3rd. It will be really fun to celebrate marriage with all of them. It's so fun to go to weddings as a married woman and just reflect on my wedding and how much we have grown together since then. As we celebrated our one year this year and are 9 months away from our 2 year mark, I just see how we are truly "becoming one" and growing as people, as a couple and as a couple in Christ. Marriage is such a beautiful thing! :)
Ryan is working hard at getting things ready for the Camber Christmas Concert. He is feeling really confident that it's going to go awesome this year and is so prepared and ahead of the game. I think that will make for a much less stressful Christmas for him, especially since our trip home this Christmas will not only include the joys/craziness of the holidays, but also Jessika's wedding. The church is still on the hunt for a new college pastor. Ryan is doing such an incredible job running the ministry in the mean time, but I know he is ready to move on to his new position. We have both been really reflective lately and just wondering what 2009 will hold in store for us. After this week I am reminded that you can only plan so much, and then God steps in. You never know where you will be, so it's best to just live each day to the fullest and not worry about what tomorrow brings.
Well, that's all I've got for now. Ryan and I are both feeling pretty sick, so I'm going to go rest again. I just wanted to get this blog started up again. Now that I have more free time I'll be much better about keeping it updated.
Love to you all...

the axtells <3