Monday, September 15, 2008

week 2 of unemployment

Well, it's now the beginning of my second week of unemployment and I have to say that I love it :) I decided that I just need to find someone who will pay me to just be unemployed and do whatever it is I feel like doing each day. Too bad the world doesn't work like that :) I have a job opportunity available, but I'm just praying through if it's the route I should take or not. I don't want to jump into anything too soon just because it sounds good; rather, I want to wait it out just a bit longer to see what it is that God wants me to do. In the mean time, I am having so much fun just playing housewife. My house has been so clean, the laundry is always done, dinner is ready when Ryan gets home and I have had fun finding creative projects to do. I am finally going to get started on my baby line this week and hopefully start making some money with that. I have also been able to spend some one on one time catching up with friends and family. It's been great. But I would still love the prayers for what my next step should be!
This past weekend we went up to Sedona for some friends' wedding. It was SO gorgeous up there and so nice to get out of the heat! It was super fun to just get away with our friends and grow closer with them. We really have been so blessed with good friends in every state that we've lived. Even though it's fun to get out and travel on the weekends, we're looking forward to spending the next few weekends at home. And in just 2 weeks it will be my birthday and my mom will be here!
Laundry calls...write again soon :)

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