Friday, October 3, 2008

<-- At my bday party :)

Well, I'm officially 23...weird. I can't believe we are almost in our mid 20's! Time flies! This birthday was a really good one. My mom flew out for the weekend so it was so good to get to spend time with her and have part of my family here to celebrate with me. I spent the day with some of my girlfriends getting our nails done and at lunch. That evening Ryan, mom and I went to dinner and an improv comedy night (I love laughing :) ). The next day I had a party with some friends... just an evening with dessert and games. It was really cool to just step back and look at all the people that were there and think, wow, this time last year I didn't even know some of these people and now they are some of my closest friends. It was a weird reflective moment but also so cool. I definitely feel like I've made some new best friends out here which makes me feel that much more at home. Even though we know we won't be here forever, it's so cool to know that I have made some true friends who I will always "live life together" with. God is so amazing and always brings the right people into my life at the right time. So yep, it was a great birthday weekend. Definitely felt the love! :)
I've started nannying again and it has been so fun. It's been nice to work a few days a week and enjoy what I'm doing. The kids are so great and just love me to bits. It's a blessing to go to work and be greeting with tons of hugs and kisses. I'm still on the hunt to find something else to do for another 10-15 hours a week, yet I am still trying to decide what to do. I've thought about finding another nanny job, but I'm not sure if I want to juggle two families. I think I may want to check out going back into the coffee/restaurant industry again-I have a lot of experience there and have had a lot of fun doing it. We'll see!
I've also started sewing for babymaecouture this week as well. It's so fun to sew on such tiny little clothes! I'm going to pump out a ton of things this week so I can start selling them. Ryan and I are going to be working on the website as well this week so feel free to check out the process:! I also registered the company name so I am officially a business! It's all so overwhelming and there is SO much to learn- luckily Ryan is so good at it all and is teaching me so much :)
I am so shocked that it's already October! I miss the change in seasons in Seattle more and more each year. It's still 100 degrees here so it has been really hard to get into the season! I put out my fall decorations yesterday so I am getting closer to feeling that cozy fall feelin' :) I can't wait for the holiday season as well! I know it's going to fly by. It still amazes me that this will be our second Thanksgiving and Christmas as a married couple! My has our marriage grown and changed! :) I feel like we are daily growing closer and closer and we just love married life more and more every day!
Well, it's pretty late and I'm exhausted. Such a long day! Update ya more next week :)

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