Wednesday, August 1, 2007


So, we have been newlyweds for a month and two days today :) So much has already happened since we've been married and it feels like we've been married forever! We are getting adjusted to life together and I am learning how to live in AZ. Luckily there's only one more month of the heat, and then we can actually use our patio! We've been working on our house, trying to make it our own. Though it's small, it's perfect for us two. I really love it. Ryan has been busier than ever with work and his ever-growing list of guitar students. I have been nannying for a family a few days a week, but next week I will begin working at the preschool. No more sleeping in! :) I have also taken the position of manager of the children's ministry for the Sunday night service at our church. There are hundreds of kids a service, so I will have a lot of responsibility to make sure the dozen or so classes run smoothly!

It's been raining like crazy lately, which has been such a blessing. The rain makes us miss Seattle, but thankful for where we are.

Hope you are all doing well!




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