Friday, August 17, 2007

Teacher! Teacher!

I started my first full day of school today at the preschool. It was so much fun! The kids are so funny and all so different. I have my divas and my shy ones, my barely-english-speakers and my screamers. It took basically holding one kid down for about 10 minutes until he stopped screaming when he got there. My favorite story of the day: we did some easel painting today, and one of the little girls said she was going to paint a picture of her brain with worms on it cause she saw it on Discovery Channel. I was a little creeped out but still thought it was funny. We had our first birthday party of the year today too for one of the boys. All in all it was an awesome day. It was so weird to be the one that the parents took pictures of their kids with for their first day of school. There are some things that I don't really know how to do yet, like some of the songs, or I'll forget the order of how things go, but other than that I think I've already got the hang of it. It is so nice to be starting something that is all my own and to have more consistency to life out here. The days are long and I have about 15 minutes between each class to eat and clean, but nice to be done by 3:30 so I can come home and rest and still make a fabulous dinner :) I'm really looking forward to seeing how these kids grow throughout the year, and it's so nice to have 16 people that adore you around you all day :)

Off to get ready for a friends' birthday party.

Much love,

Mrs. Axtell

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