Thursday, September 6, 2007

This is going to be a long day...

So I started working at the coffee shop at our church, and this morning was the first morning I opened by myself. I was here at 5:45 and opened the bookstore door (which leads to the coffee shop) and the gate between them wouldn't work! I kept turning the key over and over, then suddenly, I heard the alarm finally sound. So now I'm stuck in the bookstore and can't figure out how to turn the lights on, so I have my cell phone out for light looking for the switch. I called whoever I knew with another key but everyone's phones were off! Finally, 45 minutes later, as the church alarm is blaring, I'm shaking cause I don't know what to do, the maintenance guy comes because the alarm company had called him. So I finally got in and started getting settled, but the register would not recognize my password. So now I'm down to a good ol fashioned calculator. Then, I brought some cereal with me cause I knew I'd get hungry, so I pour cereal, then the milk, then see that there are only knives here for the bagels. I scrounged around the back closet for spoons but didn't find any. So I ended up using the massive spoon that you use to stir lattes. So I look ridiculous with my cereal in my tupperware, spooning it out with what's like a massive serving spoon, and practically pouring it into my mouth cause I can't fit the spoon in. And it's only 7:00am...we'll see what the rest of the day brings. It was crazy and I was freaking out this morning, but as I write it all down now, it's pretty funny. Leave it to me... :)


DaveG said...

That's why they invented DRY RUNS!

Sondra said...

God's work is mysterious some days. Lessons learned today will come in handy the next time. At least you were inventive with the spoon today!