Saturday, September 15, 2007

Life in the Axtell home

That's still weird to say...and to think I'm no longer a Snyder! So weird. Any way, just wanted to give a little update for us.
Ryan is super sick (and is currently taking his 2nd nap for the day). I'm starting to feel it too, so I hope I don't get laid out either. He is so busy with work lately too. He's taken on leading worship on Saturday nights for the children's ministry during this series in our church. He also leads Sunday mornings now too for the Jr. High & High school groups. Also, his boss and dear friends of ours just had their baby yesterday! So exciting. We haven't seen them yet since we're both sick, but maybe later this week. But on the other hand, that means that Ryan will have to do more of the load since Ron will be a bit preoccupied with the baby. He's also teaching quite a few guitar students and it seems like daily he is picking up more. Needless to say he's busy! :)

As for me, life doesn't slow down either. I've been working at the preschool MWF, then at the cafe & nannying TR. I'm really not quite sure how much longer I will be able to get up so early on TR (5am). It really throws me for a loop and I just get sick so easy. I'm going to think more about it after this week and make a decision on whether or not I will continue to work there, or even just switch my hours. The preschool has been going well, though the past two days the kids have been so testy and just wild. Sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming with 10 4 year olds all being crazy and demanding your attention, but hopefully it will get easier and easier, and they will learn how to listen! :)

Ryan & I as a couple are doing so well. Although we don't see each other some days until 10pm, the time we do have together is wonderful. We have become such great communicators with each other, and really just enjoy being in each other's company-whether that be reading together before we go to bed, or just relaxing watching movies, etc. It's amazing how you feel like you know everything about a person, then you move in together! :) We really love our house and have enjoyed working on it together. We are daily learning how to love and serve each other better too. It's such a great growing time for us, and we really love the married life!

We have a few prayer requests...first, that Ryan heals quickly and that I don't get any sicker. Second, that Ryan's truck continues to run for a few more years. He's had a lot of trouble with it the past few weeks and for about a week it just didn't run. It's working fine right now, but we just don't know how much longer it will last. And financially we can't afford for it to die on us! Thanks!

Hope ya'll have a great rest of your weekend! :)

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